Limited company insurance

Easy-to-arrange insurance for your limited company.
You’ll know and understand better than anyone the particular risks that your company faces. You’ll know the importance of safeguarding your business against any claims that may arise, and the potential costs that the right insurance can protect you from. This is where we can help. We’ll get you covered quickly and easily with no stress, providing the right cover and giving you immediate peace of mind and maximum protection for your business.
What is limited company insurance?
Insurance is part and parcel of running a successful company. There’s a lot at stake if things go wrong and limited companies will usually have Public Liability insurance and Employers' Liability insurance as a minimum, to protect third parties and employees alike, should the worst happen.
What cover do we need?
The exact cover you need will depend on the nature of the business and the size of the company. Generally, Public Liability insurance and Employers' Liability insurance will be a minimum requirement for most limited companies. To provide protection against injury and property claims from third parties you’ll need Public Liability insurance. If you have employees, you are also legally obliged to hold Employers' Liability insurance to cover the cost of any injury claims from employees whilst at work.
What are the cover limits?
You can choose your Public Liability insurance limit from £1m, £2m and £5m. Employers' Liability is a standard £10m. We also include Accidental Death cover of £10,000, free of charge with each business policy.
Is there any additional cover for our business?
Depending on the industry you are operating in, we offer a variety of extra cover options for Tools, Goods in Transit, Contract Works, Plant and Machinery, Fixed Woodworking Machinery and Accidental Death. We’ve make it really easy for you to select these options as you go through our quick quote process. Find out more about additional cover or get a quote.